Achieving stellar grades in University without Academic herculean formalities: How To!

Stellar grades as an undergraduate in the university seems to appear to be as a result of strictly academic seriousness.  If there’s anything more, it’s more academic seriousness and peharps introvertedness.  But, appearance is not reality. It’s just an image, not necessarily a true image. There are a lot of ways and measures to achieving stellar grades in the university and college without having to be routinely wrapped around academic herculean formalities and being extremely antisocial. 

 I intend to show you the “how to”, through this writing. I will proffer methods and measures to enjoying your stay in college or in the university without killing your self with a lot of books. Stay glued.

  1. Listen less to what people have to say

You don’t want to be an end product of an insignificant personality’s declaration. This is why you don’t need to take to heart what everyone says. Humans are naturally damaging. To avoid being damaged in school, listen less to what people have to say. It’ll help your mental health and physical health.

  1. Speak more in class

Speaking makes you popular. You could be so intelligent and very quiet. The lecturer will only know your handwriting, not your face. Being in school is about knowledge and moreso, making a good name for yourself. By speaking you are unconsciously making a name for yourself. 

  1. Start a Brand, Association or Platform

This makes you a strong pillar. You automatically create an extension of your personality by starting a brand, association or Platform in school. Focus on addressing controversial and contending matters and issues such as Human rights, sexuality, politics, lifestyle and health through your Brand, Association or Platform

  1. Mentorship from seniors 

Education is about pruning. It’s cutting the unnecessary parts out. Mentorship does this effectively. Normally, pride comes in when it has to do with being mentored by a senior colleague. This is however very detrimental to one’s educational growth. 

  1. Offer to be mentored by a Professor and volunteer to be a research assistant.

Relationships keep everything going. A simple act of volunteering is emotionally endearing. Your professor would be grateful to you if you volunteer to assist with his researches at no cost. He’ll overlook certain shortcomings from your angle. 

  1. Join a student club.

You don’t want to be antisocial in the university. It’s a minus. A big one. Be part of a student club, you’ll get the opportunity to meet other people and moreso improve your communication skills. 

  1. Attend Student Conferences

What more shows the fun of studenthood than conferences? Conferences open up the mind for practice. You get to meet with distinguished dignitaries that could connect you to better opportunities.

  1. Go for national and international competitions.

The thought of a contest scares some students. It’s fun to be in a contest. The rewards are always very rewarding. 

  1. Make more friends outside your faculty. 

Knowing people is always a plus. You can never be lost. Make conscious efforts to make friends outside your faculty. Advertise your self. That’s how your academic competence sells.

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